Gynecomastia Surgery in Dubai

March 23, 2025

Gynecomastia Surgery in Dubai

As alarming as it may sound, 50 to 60 percent of adolescent males suffer from a condition called gynecomastia – statistics confirmed by the National Institute of Health (NIH). Hormonal changes that are eminent after puberty are the major triggers; hence, gynecomastia can start as early as adolescence. In adults, the causes can also be other medical conditions such as thyroid problems, cancer of the pituitary gland, or lifestyle changes. On the brighter side, gynecomastia can be completely treated depending on the cause and type of breast enlargement. The general consideration for better management of gynecomastia includes:
  • Physiological gynecomastia which is common in newborns, adolescents, and elderly people is self-limited and requires no treatment.
  • Puberty gynecomastia is reversed after a certain age, but if it doesn’t go away in 2 years , mostly a surgical intervention is required.
  • If gynecomastia is caused by an underlying medical condition, treating the cause will fix the issue.
  • In more severe cases, surgery is recommended for a better outcome.
Gynecomastia surgery in Dubai has the expertise to treat patients from different backgrounds and has successfully treated several conditions of gynecomastia. Discover how gynecomastia can be effectively treated and managed. Learn about the best solutions, including surgery, with insights from the best plastic surgeon in Dubai. Don’t miss out on this essential read! Also Read: How to tell if you have Gynecomastia or Just fat?

What is Gynecomastia Surgery?

Gynecomastia is common among boys and men and is signified by the enlargement of the glandular tissue of the breast. After puberty, males also produce a moderate amount of oestrogen which is counteracted by the high level of testosterone. However, when there is a hormonal imbalance oestrogen levels are elevated which causes enlargement of breast tissue.

Gynecomastia has become more common in men which have affected their day-to-day activity. For many, it is a matter of self-confidence and social well-being and hence, a guided treatment by an expert surgeon is of utmost importance for a positive outcome.

There is another condition called pseudo-gynecomastia or fatty gynecomastia in which there is excess fatty tissue in the breast. This condition usually responds well to proper diet and exercise.

Types of Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia surgery is advised by your surgeon when breast enlargement becomes significant and bothersome. As per the medical classification, there are four grades of gynecomastia depending on the degree of puffy nipples, glandular enlargement,presence of excess skin and excess fat.

Gynecomastia surgery includes either of the two approaches:

Choosing either liposuction or mastectomy greatly depends on the symptoms and the requirement of the patient.

Also Read: Is Gynecomastia Painful?

When is Gynecomastia Surgery required?

Wondering when gynecomastia surgery is necessary? Here’s a quick guide:

  • Persistent Gynecomastia: When enlarged breast tissue doesn’t resolve with lifestyle changes or medications.
  • Psychological Impact: If gynecomastia causes emotional distress, affecting self-confidence and mental well-being.
  • Unilateral Gynecomastia: When one breast is significantly larger than the other, causing asymmetry.
  • Physical discomfort: If enlarged breast tissue leads to pain, discomfort, or restricted movement.
  • Lack of Improvement: When conservative treatments fail to provide satisfactory results, surgery may be recommended by a healthcare professional specialized in gynecomastia treatment.

Procedure for Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia surgery can be performed under local or general anaesthesia. The method of surgery greatly depends on the severity of gynecomastia. Hence, your surgeon will run initial tests to check your health and know more about your medical history.

If liposuction is performed, your surgeon will insert a thin tube called cannula attached to a vacuum through a single incision and remove the excess fat .

If liposuction is performed along with the gland excision, a small incision in given at the lower part of the areola, to remove the excess gland. This combination of liposuction and excisional surgery is commonly performed for severe cases of gynecomastia which has the advantage of minimal scarring.

In a mastectomy, incisions are made to remove excess glandular tissue from the breast and reposition the nipple to provide a natural contour.

Also Read: Exercises for Man Boobs

What factors affect the cost of Gynecomastia surgery?

It depends on various factors, if you need clarification about how much gynecomastia costs. The cost of the procedure varies from individual to individual as it depends upon the

  • Nature of surgery
  • Grade of gynecomastia
  • Patient’s condition
  • Technology utilized during the surgery

Getting gynecomastia surgery done with reliable treatment is very difficult to find these days. Dr. Anshu Mishra, the best cosmetic surgeon in Dubai, is well known for her expert treatments and extensive training and knowledge in plastic surgery. She has more than 11 years of experience and is a popular name in Dubai owing to her promising work as a plastic surgeon.

Benefits of Gynecomastia Surgery

The primary outcome of gynecomastia surgery in males is getting rid of extra breast tissue. The surgery provides the following benefits.

  • Simple and easy procedure
  • Quick recovery
  • Long-lasting results
  • Improved self-esteem
  • Experience a more masculine figure
  • Helps maintain a stable weight

Apart from these benefits, the success rate of gynecomastia surgery is 92% with a projected accuracy of 89%.

Why choose Dr. Anshu Mishra as Best Gynecomastia Surgeon in Dubai?

Cosmetic surgery is a talent that takes years of effort and experience to master. As a result, a surgeon’s expertise has a significant impact on the outcome. Dr. Anshu Mishra has over 11 years of experience and is well-known in Dubai for her promising work as a plastic surgeon. Dr. Anshu Mishra is well-versed in current trends and breakthroughs in cosmetic surgery as a member of the American Association of Plastic Surgeons and the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Her most notable accomplishments include:

Graduation from the most prestigious institute in India, the Army Hospital, Research and Referral, New Delhi – the finest care centre for the armed forces of India.
Received the highest honorary – Gold Medal from the National Board of Examinations of Plastic Surgery for her dedicated clinical skills.
Expertise in performing advanced cosmetic procedures on patients from all walks of life.
Provides a personalized treatment plan for patients with different medical conditions.
For more information on the clinic facilities and treatment plans, connect with Dr. Anshu Mishra for an initial consultation.

Ideal Candidates for Gynecomastia Surgery

Male breast reduction surgery is best suited for healthy adult males who have enlarged breasts that have persisted over time and cause humiliation and low self-esteem. Men who smoke are recommended to quit smoking for minimum 2 weeks before the surgery, and anyone contemplating male breast surgery should have reasonable expectations regarding the procedure’s outcomes. To keep the outcomes, patients must avoid any medications or substances that may cause breast re-growth and maintain a stable weight after surgery.

Does Gynecomastia Surgery Leave Scars

All surgeries leave some scarring, however, the majority of individuals can have their chest fullness treated with only tiny incisions for liposuction. In some circumstances, male breast reduction operations may just require a minor (1-inch) incision at the bottom of each areola (skin surrounding the nipple). This scar is normally extremely inconspicuous and should fade with time. Additional incisions may be required for more severe gynecomastia surgery to tighten the skin, although all scars are reduced to the greatest extent possible.


Surgery for gynecomastia is a minimally invasive procedure which usually takes about two hours to complete. With advancements in technologies, you are less exposed to infections even in an outpatient setting.

Pubertal Gynecomastia usually goes off on its own. But if the condition persists even after 2 years of its onset , the glandular tissue becomes fibrous which requires a surgical intervention.However, if it is caused by an underlying medical condition, then that cause needs to be treated.

Pubertal Gynecomastia usually goes off on its own. But if the condition persists even after 2 years of its onset , the glandular tissue becomes fibrous which requires a surgical intervention.However, if it is caused by an underlying medical condition, then that cause needs to be treated.

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