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Vaser Liposuction Vs Liposuction- Which One To Choose

Vaser Liposuction Vs Liposuction

There are a plethora of treatments available now to address persistent fat deposits that just won’t go away. Undoubtedly, liposuction comes to mind when considering fat reduction. However, there are several kinds of liposuction available. Knowing the differences between conventional and Vaser liposuction will help you make the best choice if you’re thinking about undergoing liposuction.

To find out which kind of liposuction is appropriate for a patient, a consultation with a skilled cosmetic surgeon is required. The best plastic surgeon in Dubai, Dr. Anshu Mishra is skilled in all forms of liposuction. To find out what kind of liposuction is best for you, make an appointment with her. Now let’s explore the few important ways to understand how both these techniques differ and which one to choose.

What Sets Vaser Liposuction Apart from Conventional Liposuction?

Though both conventional and Vaser liposuction are widely used procedures, how are they different?

Vaser Liposuction

Vaser liposuction targets resistant fat cells with a tiny probe. The probe liquefies fat cells by using ultrasonic technology. After that, the fat is eliminated from the body without endangering the nearby cells, making it less intrusive. Compared to standard liposuction, this technique has a far lower risk of bruising, is walk-in and walk-out, and needs less downtime.

Vaser liposuction can be used on the following body parts:

  • Arms
  • Neck
  • Chin
  • Chest
  • Abdomen
  • Thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Hips
  • Back

Vaser Liposuction Benefits and Drawbacks

When compared to standard liposuction, Vaser provides the following advantages:

  • Reduced bruises and swelling
  • Reduced time needed for recuperation
  • Fewer possible problems following surgery
  • Less likely to experience significant blood loss
  • Minimally invasive method
  • Skin tightening

Being able to target certain types of fat with Vaser liposuction is a big benefit. Vaser lipo reduces the risk of damaging surrounding tissues like blood vessels by using ultrasonic technology.

Vaser liposuction, as opposed to standard lipo, could help get rid of cellulite. It’s not a specialised instrument to target cellulite, generally speaking. However, some individuals do see a reduction in the appearance of cellulite.

While there is no certainty that Vaser liposuction can reduce cellulite, it can occasionally be beneficial. Subcision for cellulite can be a better option if cellulite is your main concern.

Similar to other aesthetic procedures, Vaser liposuction carries potential hazards. Bruising, burns  and infection are possible hazards and side effects, particularly if the plastic surgeon has the skills necessary to achieve the desired outcomes.

Traditional Liposuction

In contrast, a suction probe is inserted through tiny incisions during a typical liposuction procedure to push and pull through the fat layer. Through this procedure, the fat is extracted with a suction pump by breaking up the fat tissue.

Traditional Liposuction Benefits and Drawbacks

Fat can be permanently removed with traditional liposuction. The outcomes should be long-lasting provided a healthy lifestyle is followed. The drawback of conventional liposuction is that it involves more intrusive technique. However, it can eliminate larger amounts of fat.

It’s critical to know that obesity cannot be treated by any of these operations. However, they will permanently eliminate fat that is resistant to diet and exercise. Each method has advantages, disadvantages, and hazards.

Rather than being a weight-loss operation, liposuction is used to sculpt the body. This implies that you need to be nearing your desired weight target and at a healthy, stable weight.

Stretch marks and loose skin cannot be addressed by liposuction . The greatest candidates for liposuction typically have persistent pockets of fat that have ceased responding to diet and exercise alone, and they are typically within approximately 30% of their desired body weight.

A dedication to a healthy lifestyle should come after any kind of liposuction. Maintaining your results without consistent exercise and a nutritious diet will be challenging.

How to Determine the Best Liposuction Type

Selecting the ideal kind of liposuction for you may frequently rely on some variables. You should have decent muscle tone, be smoke-free, maintain a stable weight, have an optimistic attitude, and have no underlying medical issues that might interfere with the healing process before undergoing liposuction operations.

Vaser and Traditional Liposuction

Conventional liposuction removes extra fat from particular body parts. Because they want to target larger portions of the body, patients who are often larger and have a higher BMI are good candidates for this surgery. On the other hand, individuals with an average BMI who wish to target smaller fat pockets might consider Vaser liposuction.

As you can see, the optimal form of liposuction depends on your situation and the amount of fat you want to eliminate. Recovery time should also be taken into account, as Vaser lipo takes less healing time than conventional liposuction. While recovery from conventional liposuction can take much longer, most Vaser liposuction patients recover in only one week. Hence, some criteria, including your personal expectations and medical history, will determine the optimal course of action.

An expert plastic surgeon can assist you in making the best choice for your body if you consult with them. They would ask you a lot of questions during a consultation to make sure they have every detail they need to provide you with the best advice and determine whether the operation can proceed safely.

Skin Elasticity’s Significance for Excellent Traditional and Vaser Liposuction Outcomes

The skin is made to be somewhat elastic, allowing for some degree of expansion and contraction. But occasionally, the skin may expand and begin to lose its elasticity. For example, following a major weight reduction or pregnancy, you may have extra and loose skin. The body’s ability to adapt over time is amazing, yet occasionally it has trouble reverting to its previous state.

Patients who undergo liposuction often fall into two groups. Following the surgery, the skin will have high flexibility and adhere to its new contour. Alternatively, there’s too much loose skin that can’t adjust to your new shape. In the second scenario, more body contouring treatments to tighten the loose skin can be suggested by your plastic surgeon.


Some of the greatest methods for removing fat with the least amount of downtime include liposuction and its variations. Each approach has advantages and disadvantages. Both methods involve little recovery time and potential side effects from general anaesthesia. Vaser liposuction may result in fewer bruises and a quicker recovery period. However, because of the technologies involved, Vaser liposuction may  cost more. Vaser liposuction may be more successful in some treatment regions when it comes to removing harder, more fibrous fat, such as that which is present in gynecomastia. However, for bigger quantities of fat removal, traditional liposuction may be more effective.

Make an appointment for a consultation with Dr Mishra, the best female plastic surgeon in Dubai to go over your liposuction choices and choose which kind is best for you.


  • Is regular lipo superior than Vaser lipo?

Vaser lipo is a popular contemporary and minimally invasive procedure that breaks up specific fat cells using ultrasound technology. On the other hand, regular lipo or conventional lipo requires motion to remove fat. Sometimes referred to as classic lipo, is a more intrusive procedure. In a traditional lipo, the surgeon rotates his wrist back and forth till the required quantity of fat is gone. Therefore, because both are efficient in eliminating extra fat, you may think about either, depending on your preferences.

  • Which lipo kind eliminates the most fat?

To eliminate stubborn fat from specific body regions, both standard lipo and Vaser lipo can be utilised. But the most advised kind is classic liposuction if you want to target extra fat. This is because conventional lipo targets fat in broader regions, but Vaser lipo frequently targets smaller areas to remove fat.. Traditional lipo is therefore the kind that eliminates the most fat; still, it’s crucial to consult your plastic surgeon when choosing which kind of lipo to choose.

  • What is the best liposuction technique?

Depending on your goals and desired outcome, there are a few different liposuction techniques you can choose from. For instance, conventional lipo may be more appropriate if your goal is to reduce extra fat in particular body areas. If you’d want a shorter recovery period and fewer fat pockets to be removed, Vaser lipo could be a better option. This is because Vaser lipo needs a shorter recovery period of around 1 to 2 weeks due to its less invasive nature, compared to conventional lipo, which may take about 3-4 weeks to recover.

  • Does fat return following a Vaser lipo?

No, following a Vaser lipo, fat does not return. The method utilised in Vaser lipo permanently removes fat cells, preventing them from regenerating back. A tiny hollow cannula tube is used to remove the liquified fats after the targeted fatty tissue has been broken up and melted using ultrasonic radiation. It is crucial to remember that Vaser lipo is not a weight-loss operation, therefore you might still gain weight after having it. Thus, it is recommended that most Vaser lipo patients continue to maintain a healthy weight following the treatment.