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Vaser Liposuction Recovery- A Week By Week Guide

Vaser Liposuction recovery- week by week guide

Vaser liposuction is regarded as a body sculpting technique that, in contrast to standard liposuction, attempts to tighten loose skin in every treatment location while removing undesired, persistent fat deposits. Vaser lipo uses ultrasonic energy technology to liquefy fat cells. Emulsified fat is then removed automatically using special instruments called cannula , thus Vaser liposuction recovery is shorter than standard liposuction.

Vaser lipo employs cutting-edge sound energy technology to reduce swelling, bruises, and pain after the treatment. Patients who get Vaser liposuction also have reduced scarring because the Vaser lipo treatment also calls for tiny incision sites.

Vaser liposuction and Hi-def liposuction require general anesthesia to minimize discomfort during the procedure, though small areas can be treated under local anesthesia. Depending on the region to be treated and the amount of fat that has to be removed, the procedure can be finished in as little as two hours. After treatment, the majority of patients can depart right away to start the Vaser liposuction recovery process.

Also Read: Vaser Liposuction Cost In Dubai

Vaser Liposuction Recovery Time

Recovery time for Vaser liposuction typically lasts four to seven days. However, this is only applicable to the initial phase of recovery. Realizing that recovery durations following Vaser liposuction vary since everyone recovers differently is the most important thing to do. During the initial consultation for Vaser liposuction, plastic surgeons always go over with patients the expected time, expectations and tips for fast recovery after Vaser liposuction.

How effectively you follow your surgeon’s instructions for taking care of your body in the weeks after surgery and the strength of your immune system are only two factors that will determine how quick your recovery will be after Vaser liposuction. However, the healing phase after a Vaser lipo should be similar to this:

Week 1

The day of your Vaser lipo procedure is when you should anticipate returning home or in some cases a day after the procedure. You will need to get lots of rest during the first week following your Vaser lipo. You’ll have the most discomfort and oedema in the treated regions during the first week of your Vaser liposuction recovery. But each day, the discomfort will lessen somewhat. Additionally, there might be some fluid leaking that needs to be addressed; your surgeon will go over this with you.

It will be required to wear a compression garment throughout this time. Following procedures such as Vaser lipo, compression garments aid in reducing oedema and fluid collection. Because they support the region while everything realigns, they also enable improved body contouring.

Week 2

You should be able to resume your job in week two if it doesn’t require any physically demanding tasks. You might be able to perform some mild activity, like walking, but don’t plan on doing any hard lifting.

To prevent tissue injury, you will still be required to wear your compression garments and get as much rest as you can. Additionally, there will still be a great deal of oedema. You shouldn’t have any discomfort, though, other than light soreness.

Week 3

By the third week after the Vaser liposuction recovery, you will still need to wear your compression garments. There shouldn’t be any discomfort, but there will still be some swelling and light bruises.

Physical activity should still be extremely mild at this point .

Week 4

Any soreness should subside by week four. Naturally, there will still be swelling in the treated region, necessitating the use of a compression garment. Until your surgeon gives the all-clear to resume normal exercise and activities, you must continue to limit your physical activity.

Tips For Fast Recovery After Vaser Liposuction

You must follow your surgeon’s directions on Vaser lipo aftercare if you wish to hasten your recuperation following a Vaser liposuction. Also, you can adhere to these guidelines for quicker recovery:

  • Eat a Healthy Diet: To restore your tissue matrix, you will require vitamin, mineral, and protein that you should include in your diet. It’s also essential to drink a lot of water to assist in eliminating extra fluid.
  • Appointments For A Massage With Lymphatic Drainage: By helping your body get rid of extra fluid, this lymphatic drainage massage will significantly reduce swelling in the weeks speeding up your recovery.
  • Wear your compression garments: Wear your compression garments at all times for 6-8 weeks , unless you’re taking a shower.
  • Don’t Smoke And Drink Alcohol: Drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes can impede recovery because they affect the immune system, which delays healing. For the best procedure outcomes and smooth Vaser liposuction recovery, it is advised to give up smoking for a few weeks before and following the procedure.
  • Be Patient: In general, you should see noticeable improvements in six weeks. Although most patients experience benefits right away, post-operative care is still necessary since some swelling and bruises may need to heal. So, exercise patience and hold off till the bruises and swelling go down. The skin should retract during the following several months, improving your body contours.


After VASER liposuction, most patients just need a few days of precautions to recuperate and resume their regular activities. Contact Dr. Anshu Mishra, the best plastic surgeon in Dubai, for more information on VASER liposuction recuperation and to obtain customised guidance. To make sure patients are aware of the treatment, the Vaser liposuction recovery, and the possible consequences, Dr. Mishra provides thorough consultations. Dr. Mishra offers superior quality treatments that enable patients to safely and efficiently accomplish their desired cosmetic objectives owing to her vast experience and dedication to patient care in this field.


  1. How much time does it take to fully recover from a Vaser liposuction?

Following the Vaser liposuction procedure, the first recovery phase usually lasts four to seven days. You should anticipate some soreness, oedema, and probably some fluid draining from the incision sites during this period. The majority of patients can return to mild activity during this time, but to guarantee optimal healing, it’s crucial to follow your surgeon’s advice. To improve contouring and prevent swelling, it is essential to use compression garments during this period.

  1. What may I anticipate during the first week of my recuperation?

You’ll probably feel the most soreness and swelling within the first week after the Vaser liposuction procedure. In the treated locations, some soreness is usual, and there may be some fluid leakage. Wearing a compression garment continually will help with the healing process, and rest is crucial during this period. In addition to reducing oedema, the compression garment aids in tissue healing and realignment.

  1. Can I start working again during the second week of my recuperation?

As long as their jobs don’t require a lot of physical exertion, the majority of patients may return to work by the second week following the Vaser liposuction procedure. To increase circulation, gentle exercises like walking are usually advised, but it’s crucial to stay away from demanding chores or heavy lifting.

  1. What kinds of changes might I anticipate by the third week of my recovery?

While some may still be present, swelling and bruises should have greatly decreased by the third week. Your general mobility should improve and you should feel more at ease. You can raise your physical activity level gradually, but you should avoid strenuous workouts right after treatment. Wearing your compression garment will ensure the best outcomes and ongoing assistance for the mending tissues.

  1. When can I restart my usual workout routines?

Depending on the surgeon’s recommendation, most patients can begin returning to their regular exercise regimens by the fourth week of recuperation. Nevertheless, until your surgeon provides the all-clear, you should continue to avoid heavy lifting and high-impact activities. Wearing your compression garment is still crucial even though swelling should continue to reduce. To prevent difficulties, pay attention to your body and return to your workout regimen gradually.

  1. How can I ensure a quick and easy recovery?

Use these essential suggestions to guarantee a speedy recovery:

  • Maintain a Healthy Diet: Recuperation and tissue regeneration are aided by a well-balanced diet high in protein, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Keep Yourself Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water aids in the removal of pollutants and lowers inflammation.
  • Get a massage with lymphatic drainage: This technique encourages the removal of extra fluid, which helps lessen swelling.
  • Steer clear of alcohol and smoke: These substances can weaken your immune system and impede recovery, so it’s better to stay clear of them both before and after your surgery.
  • Be Patient: As your body heals and adjusts following Vaser liposuction, it may take 3-4 months before you see the full result.