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Mommy Makeover​ In Dubai

Mommy Makeover​ In Dubai

Being a mother is the most alleviating feeling in a woman’s life. Pretty much every woman experiences the natural process of bodily changes such as stretching of abdominal skin, breast engorgement, and a loose and flabby appearance after childbirth. Most women have tried to reverse these changes with the help of healthy diet and exercise and are able to go near to their pre-pregnancy shape but could not attain it fully due to the presence of stretched loose skin . Mommy makeover is a term given to the set of procedures which are customized according to the patient to help achieve the pre pregnancy shape.

Mommy makeover in Dubai is gaining popularity due to the advanced state of the art services and the increased involvement of women in cosmetic procedures. As per the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) global survey, 62% of new moms would consider plastic surgery to get back to their pre-pregnancy shape.

What is Mommy Makeover ?

The catchy phrase ‘Mommy Makeover’ is a common topic among new moms. Mommy Makeover in Dubai involves a combination of personalized procedures to improve the physical features from lingering pregnancy and delivery. It includes surgical and non-surgical procedures for facial rejuvenation, body sculpting, and additional skin treatments to restore the shape and appearance of the body after childbirth.

Mommy Makeover Surgery needs the expertise of a cosmetic surgeon who understands your current needs and realistic expectations and can achieve desirable goals using the right techniques for your concerns.

Also Read: Benefits Of Mommy Makeover Surgery In Dubai

When a Tummy tuck surgery is required.

As you grow, your body changes and many of these changes are evident in your physique. Pregnancy, breastfeeding, sudden weight loss or weight gain, age, menaupause are some of the natural factors that are bound to happen but at the same time take a toll on your physical appearance. A couple of decades ago, Mommy Makeover was famous amongst women in their 50s. However, with the new era, women as young as in their 30s seek medical expertise for procedures such as tummy tucks and breast lifts.

While considering Mommy Makeover, it is essential to start your treatment so that you can give some time for your recovery and healing process. Deciding the best time for Mommy Makeover greatly depends on the individual. Some of the following tips will help you in choosing the right time for your Mommy makeover surgery.

During pregnancy and childbirth, your body is in a strenuous stage. One should wait for 6 months to an year after the birth of the baby to allow body to heal, weight to stabilize , and hormones level to rebalance.

After childbirth, breastfeeding is recommended for at least 6 months. If you are choosing to breastfeed, then plan accordingly, as the breast tissues undergo dramatic changes during this period.It is generally best to wait a minimum of 3 to 6 months after completion of breast feeding.

Mommy Makeover may include more than one procedure and hence require time to heal. As your body is already working overtime for the needs of your child, you should have someone to be present with you during the procedure and recovery.

Mothers love to have many children in their life. If you are planning to have more pregnancies then it is better to hold on till you have finally decided to settle down. Additional pregnancy will affect and reverse back the Mommy Makeover result.

Possible Procedures in a Mommy Makeover

There is no single procedure for Mommy Makeover, rather a combination of two to three cosmetic surgeries depending on individual need, lifestyle and anatomy. However, the procedure is usually performed under general anaesthesia which can take 3 – 6 hours depending on the procedures planned.Your surgeon will recommend you to stay overnight after the surgery for observation.

In a Mommy Makeover, the combination of following procedures can be carried out:

  • Breast and buttock augmentation
  • Breast lift
  • Labiaplasty
  • Liposuction
  • Tummy tuck
  • Arm lift
  • Thigh lift
  • Other skin treatments

Dr. Anshu Mishra has expertise in procedures included in the Mommy Makeover in Dubai for women. The clinic is well equipped to deliver enhanced treatment to bring back the youthful and vibrant look.

Mommy Makeover Surgery Cost in Dubai

As discussed early, Mommy Makeover is a combination of procedures and is greatly dependent on the needs of the patient. Women do not require all the procedures included in Mommy Makeover. Hence, understanding the treatment cost for each procedure will help in deciding the overall cost according to your need. When done alone, the cost for each procedure is as shown in the table.

It should be noted that Mommy Makeover is a combination of these surgeries and hence, the cost would be lower compared to single procedure.

Moreover, variance in the cost also depends on several key factors such as:

  • Complexity of the procedure
  • Patient’s medical history and current ailments
  • Advanced technology used
  • Post-treatment and follow-up costs

Dr. Anshu Mishra provides safe and personalised Mommy Makeover procedures to give youthful and vibrant physiques at an affordable cost.

Why Choose Dr. Anshu Mishra for Mommy Makeover in Dubai?

Any cosmetic surgeries should be approached with caution and hence, requires the work of an expert cosmetic surgeon. Dr. Anshu Mishra is an active member of American Society of Plastic Surgeons ,International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and several Indian and International Associations of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons which guides her to practice the latest technology according to the international standards ,at the same time keeping the patient’s safety the top priority.

  • Dr Mishra keeps the patient’s safety at the utmost priority. Some of her highlighted achievements includes:
  • Award winning and board-certified cosmetic and plastic surgeon
  • Graduating from the most eminent establishment in India, the Army Hospital – one among the top ranking medical care centres for the armed forces of India.
  • Receiving highest honorary – Gold Medal in National Board of Examinations of Plastic Surgery for her dedicated clinical skills.
  • Expertise in performing various cosmetic operations on people from all walks of life.
  • A dedicated team of highly qualified professionals who provide patients with individualised treatment plans.
  • For more information on the clinic facilities and treatment plans, connect with Dr. Anshu Mishra for an initial consultation.


When performed under adequate supervision and by an experienced surgeon, a mommy makeover is a highly safe and complication-free treatment.

If you’re a person who wants to:

  • Restore your pre-pregnancy physique.
  • Have a well-defined chest and waist.
  • Get rid of sagging breasts.
  • Want to have toned abs and a cinched-in waist

Then this is the procedure for you.

Discuss your candidacy with your plastic surgeon in further detail.

The effects are permanent as long as there is proper maintenance and aftercare. If you do not intend to become pregnant again in the future, the results will last for a long time.

The healing time following a mommy makeover operation in Dubai varies for each individual, and there are several therapies involved, each with its recovery timeline. In most cases, complete healing may be observed within a month or two of the procedure.

The surgery necessitates the administration of anaesthesia to the patients, making it a relatively painless process.

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