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Tummy Tuck Surgery: Preparation, Procedure & Complications

Tummy Tuck Surgery: Preparation, Procedure & Complications

Wanting a more contoured and chiseled appearance is a dream that many of us have. If you have lost a lot of weight recently and have been dealing with the aftermath of it with excess skin and fat around your abdominal region, opting for a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is one of the most comprehensive cosmetic surgeries you can consider.

A tummy tuck should not be confused with a weight loss surgery but it can be a transformative solution for individuals with stubborn abdominal fat or sagging skin, often resulting from pregnancy, significant weight loss, or aging.

If you are confused about the prospect of undergoing a tummy tuck surgery and want a comprehensive understanding, you are in the right place.

What is a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck surgery, formally known as an abdominoplasty, is a transformative cosmetic procedure that improves and accentuates the abdominal appearance by removing excess skin and fat from the region.

Following excess skin and fat removal, the underlying connective tissue in the abdomen, which is known as fascia, is tightened to give the abdomen a tighter and more contoured appearance.

Most individuals who have undergone transformative changes due to weight loss or have a weaker abdominal wall opt for the tummy tuck procedure to strengthen and tighten the muscles and tissues around the abdomen.

Who is Considered an Ideal Candidate for a Tummy Tuck Surgery?

While tummy tuck surgery can be a life-changing procedure, it is essential to determine whether an individual is a suitable candidate.

Consultation with Dr. Anshu Mishra is thus mandatory to deduce whether you are an ideal candidate for the surgery and discuss the treatment goals and expectations.

Ideal candidates for a tummy tuck typically exhibit the following characteristics:

Have excess skin and fat

The first and the most noticeable sign that you will benefit from a tummy tuck surgery is if you have excess skin and fat around the abdominal region due to weight loss, pregnancy, aging, etc.

Have overall good health

Tummy tuck surgery, despite its safety and effectiveness, is still a surgical procedure that needs to be performed with caution. An ideal candidate should be in good physical health and free from chronic ailments that could pose a risk during surgery and recovery.

Stable weight

For optimal and long-lasting results from the tummy tuck procedure, it is crucial to ensure that the patient has attained a stable weight and won’t undergo any drastic changes in the future. Any rapid weight gain or loss after the surgery might alter the results.


Smoking can alter the healing and recovery process for patients considering a tummy tuck, which explains why it is mandatory to quit smoking if you are a smoker.

Realistic expectations

The tummy tuck is not something you should consider for losing weight, although many patients have a misconception that it is and have unrealistic expectations from the surgery. Having realistic expectations from the surgery is vital too.

How do you prepare for a tummy tuck surgery?

Tummy tuck preparations are extensive and involve many factors that you must prioritize, from the consultation to the surgery itself.

Following are some factors that can help prepare for the tummy tuck procedure:

  • The first step is to schedule a consultation with a leading cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Anshu Mishra, who will assess your case, understand your medical conditions, and evaluate whether or not you are an ideal candidate before proceeding with the surgery.
  • Leading up to the surgery, candidates are recommended to switch to a healthy lifestyle, such as maintaining a healthy diet, staying hydrated, and stopping the intake of medications like blood thinners that can impose risks during the surgery.
  • Also, it becomes mandatory to quit smoking in the days leading up to the surgery. Furthermore, you need to arrange for someone to assist you during your recovery after the surgery.

These factors need to be sorted out during the pre-operative stage as well.

What Happens during the Tummy Tuck Procedure?

On the day of the tummy tuck procedure, there are several factors that you have to focus on. The surgery itself is divided into multiple sections, including:

Anesthesia and Incision

These account for the initial stages of the surgery, where the procedure starts with the administration of general anesthesia to ensure the patient is comfortable and the surgery is pain-free.

For the incision, it is usually done along the lower abdominal region. The length and extent of the incision will be subjective to the patient’s requirements.

Removal of the Excess Skin and Fat

Following the incision, the next step is liposuction, which removes the stubborn fat pockets in the abdominal region.

The surgeon will then lift the skin to get access to the abdominal muscles and tissues to successfully remove the excess skin and the fat. The underlying muscles may also be tightened to create a more sculpted appearance.


After the tightening is done and the surgery is over, the incision is closed with sutures or staples. Also, surgical drains are inserted to prevent fluid build-up.

Lastly, the patient is relocated to the recovery room, where they stay until the anesthesia wears off, and they are then transferred to a hospital room, where they are kept under observation and then discharged with the surgeon’s instructions and advice.

What are the Potential Complications of a Tummy Tuck Surgery?

While tummy tuck surgery is generally safe, like any surgical procedure, it carries certain risks and potential complications. Candidates must be aware of these possibilities and discuss them with their surgeon.

Some of the Tummy Tuck Complications or risks include:

  • Infection
  • Blood clots
  • Poor wound healing
  • Scarring
  • Changes in sensation, etc.

The best way to minimize these risks is to get the surgery done by experienced surgeons like Dr. Anshu Mishra. She has worked with hundreds of patients and has a high success rate and positive testimonials from her patients.


A tummy tuck surgery is a transformative procedure that can enhance the aesthetic appearance and confidence of individuals with abdominal concerns. Understanding the preparation process and the surgical procedure will help you make informed decisions about whether or not this surgery aligns with your goals.

For more details about tummy tuck preparations, procedure, and costs, kindly contact our team and schedule a consultation with leading cosmetic surgeon Dr. Anshu Mishra today.

Medically Reviewed By

Dr. Anshu Mishra




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