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Advantages of Liposuction

If you are satisfied with your general weight and size but would like to see a more contoured figure, or you are disappointed to find that your body isn’t responding to diet and exercise regime to achieve the desired shape, then Liposuction procedure can help you. There are several cosmetic surgery procedures available, to address almost any issue. Liposuction is one of the most commonly requested procedures these days.

Liposuction procedure helps in removing excess and stubborn body fat from the various parts of the body to achieve a tighter, more toned, and contoured appearance. The procedure is done via small incisions given strategically in the hidden areas and includes breaking up fat cells with high-frequency vibrations, laser pulses, or a high-pressure water jet. The fat cells are then sucked out of the body with the use of a long thin tube called cannulas inserted through the small incisions and connected to a vacuum.

What Body Parts Can Be Enhanced By Liposuction?

Most typically Liposuction is used to remove excess fat by targeting the following parts of the body:

  • Abdomen
  • Buttocks
  • Back
  • Chest
  • Love handles(Flanks)
  • Thighs
  • Chin
  • Upper arms

It works best in areas where the patient has a good skin tone that can adhere to the new shapes achieved by the treatment.

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What Are The Advantages of Liposuction?

  • It can improve the form and contour of your body by reducing fatty areas that are commonly recognized as problem areas.
  • It may aid in the treatment or removal of lipomas, which are benign fatty tumors seen in particular parts of the body.
  • It can treat males with gynecomastia (when men have an excess of fatty breast tissue) by eliminating the fatty breast tissue.
  • It can aid in the treatment of lipodystrophy syndrome, which occurs when there is a malfunction in fat metabolism, resulting in excess fat in certain regions of the body but none in others.
  • The benefits of lipo might be quite long-lasting if the patient’s weight does not increase much after the treatment.
  • Because of the weight lost throughout the treatment, liposuction can improve your general health. Patients often lose no more than 10 pounds.
  • It can aid in the treatment of chafing in places such as the thighs.
  • Because the results are mostly immediate, you can improve your appearance in as little as a day. Aside from the swelling, which may take a few weeks to diminish, the benefits are instantaneous.
  • As the benefits of liposuction must be maintained, it frequently motivates a patient to develop/maintain better habits, such as exercise and proper dieting. This physical transformation after the surgery is often enough to keep motivation levels high.
  • It can improve a person’s well-being by correcting significant imbalances and anomalies in the body appearance. While it is not a replacement for a healthy lifestyle, it might make you feel better.

| Also Read:  Recovery From Fat Removal Surgery – Liposuction  |

Are There Any Long-Term Benefits Of Liposuction?

One of the most significant advantages of liposuction is that treatment provides considerable and long-term benefits to the patient. As a result, for the ideal candidates who are devoted to live a healthy lifestyle after treatment, the operation is a very significant investment.

What is the importance of this healthy lifestyle? The fat cells that are removed from your body after liposuction are lost permanently. Because these cells cannot regenerate, you will always have fewer fat cells in your body. Fat cells, on the other hand, can change size. If you do not live a healthy lifestyle after your treatment and neglect exercise and eat excessively, causing you to gain weight, your remaining fat cells may get larger.

If this occurs, the effects of your liposuction treatment may be undone, and you may end up with huge, fatty deposits that cause you to lose shape and appear loose and unshapely. Fortunately, if you commit to eating a good, balanced diet and frequent exercise, you may be able to keep the results of your liposuction treatment indefinitely.

| Also Read: Liposuction After Pregnancy: Importance, Recovery and More |

Liposuction is not an obesity treatment and should not be used to lose weight. However, it is a helpful treatment for individuals who want to improve their outcomes after they have already lost weight. It can also be utilized to improve the definition and body tone in people who have maintained a healthy weight.

If you want to learn more about liposuction, please contact an expert cosmetic surgery team who should be able to answer any questions you have or book a consultation if you are a good candidate for this process. However, as always, only a Board Certified Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon should be consulted to ensure that Liposuction is the best surgery for you.

Medically Reviewed By

Dr. Anshu Mishra




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